Your Company’s Global Workforce

Grow Talent While Maximizing Your Mobility Efforts

The costs to companies for each employee relocation assignment varies depending on the level, salary and if the employee is single or married with a family. An assignment can cost upwards of $400,000, if terminated within a year, for a leader with a family of four.

While the financials of relocation failures are foremost concerns for any business, the costs of attracting, developing and maintaining talent go hand-in-hand. Many companies offer what are often called mobilization services themselves, or access to service providers for packing, moving, cultural and language training, educational services, tax resources, etc.

On the personal side, the costs of adjusting to a new environment is daunting not only for the employee, but also for a couple and family. With attention to culture, trust and caring for your human capital over-arching all of these concerns, we help you support your best employees as they assess their readiness and strategize the best possible outcome for the company, themselves and their family.

We partner with you to maximize your company’s global mobility efforts, supporting both your desired talent and families in the process.

Employee relocation success is dependent on:

  • The employee/leader’s readiness for the assignment and ability to hit the ground running.

  • The spouse’s ability to handle the change and juggle the demands on his/her mate and everyone in the family.
    *Most say this is the most important factor in success for both the company and the couple/family.

Maximize Relocation Success, Reduce Costs and Risk of Failure

Employee / Leader Readiness Assessment:

We offer a thorough assessment of an employee’s preparedness for a relocation and new assignment, as well as their ability to hit the ground running once there.

Mate and Family Readiness Assessment:

We assist in the couple and family assessing their awareness of the many changes, their readiness and skills to handle the requirements of the relocation effort. We work to ensure they have necessary supports in place so that everyone on the home team can be successful. This allows the employee the necessary peace of mind to focus on the work team and tasks at hand.

Coaching, Skill Development and Support throughout the Assignment:

We offer two kinds of support throughout the assignment: Coaching and support for the leader/employee and coaching for the couple/spousal support. This is typically conducted through phone sessions, although in-person meetings are available when people are in the country for meetings or vacation.

Such coaching, skill development, support and strategic assistance not only helps when stressors or challenges arise, it is a cost-effective way for your company to give the employee and his/her family the support they so often need under sometimes overwhelming new circumstances.

Re-Entry and Next Assignment Strategizing:

While it’s ideal to anticipate the next assignment and where you anticipate the employee developing within the company, the assignment success often determines a re-evaluation. Be it a new relocation assignment, a position back at the home office of other consideration, we help the company, the employee and the family assess, clarify and strategize needs at this next Choice Point so next steps can be as seamless as possible.

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Career Relocation