
About Dr. Jan Hoistad

Dr. Jan Hoistad is a coaching partner who helps you clarify your goals, develop your skillset, and harness your strengths so you navigate your career and business growth with confidence. As an executive, career professional or business owner, having a supportive, strategic coach and consultant who empowers you to confidently clarify and achieve your desired outcomes is invaluable. Coaching helps you work more productively and lead more effectively. While Dr. Hoistad cannot promise to remove outside demands, she can help you prioritize, set goals and strategies so you and your team function at peak performance. ♦ Executive Coaching, Leadership Coaching, and Business Consulting. Develop awareness of how your decisions affect other areas, your people and your future goals. Fully aligned, make decisions for best possible outcomes. ♦ Partnership Coaching for business owners, partners, teams, entrepreneurs, dual-career couples and couples in business together. Become fully aligned so you work together better, achieving business objectives. ♦ Career Coaching for individual professionals and dual-career couples. At all stages of development; during times of transition; when considering a relocation; when desiring to integrate personal life goals with your career. With her unique “Big Picture” perspective, Dr. Jan partners with you as you transition through choice points in your career and business life. Her focus is on helping you clarify what you want, identify what’s in the way, and strategize a step-by-step plan so you achieve your goals. Dr. Jan brings her expertise in human development, system dynamics, entrepreneurship, business growth, partnering, communication and creativity to her clients who become catalysts for change in their businesses, careers, and personal lives. She has helped numerous professionals, business owners, and teams achieve ambitious career and business goals, healthy relationships, and a greater quality of work and life. “When an experienced professional incorporates Dr. Jan’s coaching and consulting solutions, you can almost feel their body relax. They become excited again. More hopeful, they remember what they love about their work as, together, we turn burdens into doable strategies that achieve their future goals.” -Dr. Jan Hoistad

6 Steps to Success in the New Year

DJHP /Careers The beginning of the year is a time for assessing the past year and setting goals for the new year.  Here are some practical tips to achieve success from our Associate Contributor, Lisa Bobyak, CEO of Living Fully Balanced. You may be eager to make some changes. Everybody’s talking about their New Year’s career and business goals and lifestyle resolutions. It might be a good time for you to hop on that motivation train and ride it to a new you. You’re confident that you want to make some changes, but if you are truly honest with yourself, you’re just not sure how this year will be any different from those of the past. You feel this energy each year, but you’ve never been able to follow through to fully achieve your goals. If this resonates with you, join the club. According to the Journal of Clinical Psychology, the University of Scranton found that over 45% of us make New Year’s resolutions. And the harsh truth is that only 8% of that group are successful in achieving them. So what’s the disconnect? We have been led to believe that once we set our goals, all we have to do is “just do it”; that all we need is more motivation and stronger self-control. We think we lack willpower to see it through. There’s more to achieving goals than that. Much more. As a culture, we have only focused on the goal itself, however the magic happens when you [...]

Harvest Your Career Developments this Autumn

DJHP / Careers The holiday of goblins and trick-or-treat is upon us. In the realm of consumer spending, The National Retail Federation’s dataprojects that 157 million, or roughly 50% of Americans will celebrate Halloween this year. Total dollars spent are anticipated to reach $6.9 billion dollars. The holiday also coincides with shorter days and a winding down of the growing season for everyone, including farmers and food producers who are bringing in and assessing the annual harvest. Winter months have less intense field work and offers them more time to assess and plan next year’s bounty. So once the costumes are shed and the sugar rush has worn off, 4th Quarter is a natural time to evaluate progress toward your career development goals. What do you wish to accomplish in the remainder of this calendar year? Then acknowledge accomplishments you have achieved and begin planning next year from this perspective. Harvest time. It’s good for sorting and organizing, throwing and recycling, cleaning and de-cluttering. As you sort, pay attention to what you are letting go of.  Notice how it lightens your load and see ifit helps energize you for career or business developments you’ll pursue next year. Here are 3 steps to follow as you harvest your accomplishments this autumn. Then go trick-or-treating with some little goblins—enjoy your achievements and plant the seeds that will grow in the next year. Gather the fruits of your labor. List your goals against accomplishments. This is everything you have accomplished this year in both [...]

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