You Want to Grow, but Your Business Has Stalled. It’s Time For a Reset
When your business has taken off and is growing successfully, it's tempting to just keep increasing the desired numbers. Going for bigger gains. Because you think you can. But "soaring to the mountaintop" with your newfound climbing skills doesn't work for the long haul. Eventually you'll have to come down from the peak of Mount Everest, back into everyday life which has more variation. It present new and different challenges. And just like re-entry from a peak performance experience, facing those every day peaks and valleys is bound to make you feel like your business is stalling out. You probably feel like you and your business are in a lull.Here's where a lot of people become dissatisfied. Some even give up. Let me offer you an alternative: A lull is a time to take stock of what you learned and to assess what's working, what needs fixing and what to let go. Most owners don't plan for a lull or stall-out as their business takes off. But they should. It’s not uncommon as owners set their sites on next-level business growth to experience a sense of deflation. The "high" of going for and achieving the peak in the start-up phase of growth is often a demanding whirlwind of excitement. When the rush dies down there's often a sense of loss. It's deflating. The literature on post peak experience let-down finds it can lead to feelings of dissatisfaction. Often for good reasons. Limping along or stalling out are signals that [...]