Simplifying Communication: Have a Conversation!

In business or networking meetings, at the office, and with your mate, family, or friends, we all know that communication is a powerful tool. We also know what it feels like to be tongue-tied, or unable to find appropriate words for a situation, or to be nervous about talking because we don't know how another person will react or what the outcome or consequence might be. Yet everyone can become an expert in communication if they take the time. To remove the anxiety or stage performance, think about it like having a good conversation. To feel more successful in all your relationships, and to have more vitality—maybe even fun together—learn to become effective in all your conversations. Whether you are having a conversation with your partner, your kids, a close friend, or someone at the office try these tips and keep refining them as you strive towards better communication: Show Interest. Actively listen to the other person. This is 75% of all great communication. Put your ego, your thoughts off to the side and focus on listening to the other person as though you have never heard them before, rather than making assumptions about what they might say. 2. Take Turns. No one is listening when two people are talking at the same time. Know that you can also have a time to be listened to if both of you want to have a good relationship. Also know that if you are not given an opportunity to talk it probably [...]

Transitions in Difficult Times: 7 Steps to Ground Yourself and Guide Others to “Transition Up” vs. Giving Up

DJHP Leaders / Careers /Transitions Transitions imposed from the outside can make you feel dis-empowered, out of control, anxious; even fearful, as many have experienced thousand-fold in light of recent national events. Pair that with everyday demands of business: higher, faster productivity, often coupled with fewer resources. How do you step up to meet these business, career and life transition demands? Transitions in Perspective Transitions are naturally stressful. While there may be some excitement brought about by anticipated change, more often than not, career, business and life transitions stir anxiety. It’s the unknown. Humans don’t respond especially well to the unknown, preferring to be in charge, imagining some sense of predictability and control. There are three forces pressing on you during times of transition—to a greater or lesser degree. Right now it’s to a greater degree, and shows no sign of decreasing. First is your inner, personal response to a change. Sometimes tumultuous and hopefully private, then tempered with wisdom and experience. Next there’s the larger societal, communal response, quite abuzz right now. Some people are acting out the shadow side of the culture as others search for greater wisdom to make meaning, and take action. Finally, there are the varied responses of the people around you. Those you impact. Those you love at home; those you lead, work with and have expectations of at the office. Those three factors increase your stress potential and require a thoughtful, well-contained response. You are at the center. Start there. How do you [...]

6 Steps to Success in the New Year

DJHP /Careers The beginning of the year is a time for assessing the past year and setting goals for the new year.  Here are some practical tips to achieve success from our Associate Contributor, Lisa Bobyak, CEO of Living Fully Balanced. You may be eager to make some changes. Everybody’s talking about their New Year’s career and business goals and lifestyle resolutions. It might be a good time for you to hop on that motivation train and ride it to a new you. You’re confident that you want to make some changes, but if you are truly honest with yourself, you’re just not sure how this year will be any different from those of the past. You feel this energy each year, but you’ve never been able to follow through to fully achieve your goals. If this resonates with you, join the club. According to the Journal of Clinical Psychology, the University of Scranton found that over 45% of us make New Year’s resolutions. And the harsh truth is that only 8% of that group are successful in achieving them. So what’s the disconnect? We have been led to believe that once we set our goals, all we have to do is “just do it”; that all we need is more motivation and stronger self-control. We think we lack willpower to see it through. There’s more to achieving goals than that. Much more. As a culture, we have only focused on the goal itself, however the magic happens when you [...]

Harvest Your Career Developments this Autumn

DJHP / Careers The holiday of goblins and trick-or-treat is upon us. In the realm of consumer spending, The National Retail Federation’s dataprojects that 157 million, or roughly 50% of Americans will celebrate Halloween this year. Total dollars spent are anticipated to reach $6.9 billion dollars. The holiday also coincides with shorter days and a winding down of the growing season for everyone, including farmers and food producers who are bringing in and assessing the annual harvest. Winter months have less intense field work and offers them more time to assess and plan next year’s bounty. So once the costumes are shed and the sugar rush has worn off, 4th Quarter is a natural time to evaluate progress toward your career development goals. What do you wish to accomplish in the remainder of this calendar year? Then acknowledge accomplishments you have achieved and begin planning next year from this perspective. Harvest time. It’s good for sorting and organizing, throwing and recycling, cleaning and de-cluttering. As you sort, pay attention to what you are letting go of.  Notice how it lightens your load and see ifit helps energize you for career or business developments you’ll pursue next year. Here are 3 steps to follow as you harvest your accomplishments this autumn. Then go trick-or-treating with some little goblins—enjoy your achievements and plant the seeds that will grow in the next year. Gather the fruits of your labor. List your goals against accomplishments. This is everything you have accomplished this year in both [...]

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