9 Suggestions to Train Everyone Around You So You Can Run a Successful Business AND Have a Happy Home Life

Today's article is Part II of a 3 part series For the HOME-BASED Business Owner, entitled: Just Because I'm Home Doesn't Mean I'm Not Working! PART II: 9 Suggestions to Train Everyone Around You So You Can Run a Successful Business AND Have a Happy Home Life! But before I launch into the suggestions for today, did you read and take action on at least a few of the tips in last week’s article? Which suggestions did you find most helpful? You know, reading the information is only half the equation for creating change and developing the rock-solid home-based business you desire. It takes action to make change stick, so be sure to read Part I before moving on to today’s article. You’ll find it here: PART I: 12 Suggestions to Train Your Self to Eliminate Disruptions So You Can Run a Successful Business Out of Your Home. And stay tuned for Part III in which I’ll give you Tips for Working at Home With The One You Love—Without Driving One Another Crazy! So here are my 9 Suggestions to Train Everyone Around You—So You Can Run a Successful Business AND Have a Happy Home Life Hold Scheduling Meetings with Your Mate & Family Keep them happy and they will keep you happy. If everyone is informed about what the rest of the family is up to, desires, wants and needs, everyone will be happier. So make it a habit. I always recommend late Sunday afternoon before dinner as a [...]

Career Transition as Opportunity

You are reading this article because you have recently or are now experiencing a career transition. So I write this with an assumption, that we all: Want to do good work, and want to be valued for it and supported in achieving our efforts. We have expertise and a desire to serve and in return receive compensation that supports our families and the things we love. The data is iffy on a real ability to have this consistently. Want to be engaged in good, satisfying, hopefully enough long-lasting relationships. Harvard’s 75 year longitudinal study (and many others) indicates that relationships are key to happiness. While we may approach THIS CAREER TRANSITION as an isolated incident, however when we get real about it, life is a constant series of transitions. Especially in this day-and-age when data shows most people will experience a career transition seven times. Young people experience an average of 4 by age 32. Stop to think for a minute… quickly tally the number of career transitions you’ve been through so far: Those you chose? Those imposed? Those created by life circumstances outside your control—e.g. birth, death, illness or other life events– maybe even a spouse's job change Some career transitions we navigate more gracefully than others. For everyone I've encountered in the work world, it's a high desire to feel empowered, confident and take job-seeking, career-development steps that are generated less out of fear or anxiety and more out of purpose and values. Career transitions cause changes that [...]

3 Time Factors for Success In Any Career Transition, Relocation, Lay-Off, Exit or Succession Plan

You schedule everything in your work time. Yet when things are unsettled at work, your personal life can provide much needed stability. This article contains tips that will help you integrate your home life during times of professional change, be it job change, relocation, lay-off or exit plan.  It will make your career and transitions go better for you—and everyone in your life. Everyone thriving is the end-result. Time Factors in a Transition-Time In an ideal world, the outcome of any career transition would be focused on everyone thriving. That includes not only the company achieving stated results, but you—and your family—having positive experience and outcomes as well. Companies with well-developed systems for carefully growing human capital anticipate and strategize change. Over time they have conversations to ensure a match of values, expectations and life-style changes that leaders face as they grow in their career while also growing a family and rich personal life. Coaching is provided in corporations with well-established growth trajectory and budgets to match that growth. This is not always true however, in a rapidly changing world of economic competition, mergers and acquisitions, massive company lay-offs, and huge generations of boomers anticipated to exit while similar numbers of younger generations need to become educated as they assume powerful positions. Circumstances do not always allow the time, nor provide the opportunity, to assess the wide-ranging ramifications such demands make on employees at all levels and their families. While many couples succeed, at worst, we all know stories of professionals [...]

Simplifying Communication: Have a Conversation!

In business or networking meetings, at the office, and with your mate, family, or friends, we all know that communication is a powerful tool. We also know what it feels like to be tongue-tied, or unable to find appropriate words for a situation, or to be nervous about talking because we don't know how another person will react or what the outcome or consequence might be. Yet everyone can become an expert in communication if they take the time. To remove the anxiety or stage performance, think about it like having a good conversation. To feel more successful in all your relationships, and to have more vitality—maybe even fun together—learn to become effective in all your conversations. Whether you are having a conversation with your partner, your kids, a close friend, or someone at the office try these tips and keep refining them as you strive towards better communication: Show Interest. Actively listen to the other person. This is 75% of all great communication. Put your ego, your thoughts off to the side and focus on listening to the other person as though you have never heard them before, rather than making assumptions about what they might say. 2. Take Turns. No one is listening when two people are talking at the same time. Know that you can also have a time to be listened to if both of you want to have a good relationship. Also know that if you are not given an opportunity to talk it probably [...]

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