Career Transitions
Are You At A Choice Point?
These are some signals you might be:
At this stage of your career you know who you are, what you do best, what feels fulfilling, and you either feel on track with your goals or not.
In the fast paced company environment, external factors impact professional growth and career paths routinely, regularly, often impersonally. Having the stamina, flexibility and perspective to assess each Choice Point in the context of your career and life goals can feel daunting. What steps should you take to be prepared for unexpected external shifts? Since they are so intertwined, how do you assess your inner signals so you don’t derail a career or your personal life? This is where a career coach with understanding of your work world and personal life desires comes in.
Through our career coaching services, when we strategically develop your career plan over time, within the context of your whole life—career life coaching—based squarely on your values, purpose, current life needs and long-term direction, you more confidently assess and respond to these Choice Points with greater confidence. With this foundation, you’ll be able to more quickly recognize new Choice Points as they come up in life, and we’ll be able to work them easily, seamlessly moving you further, faster.