10 Ways to Cope with Transitions You Don’t Choose—In Your Business, Career or Life

Transitions are often stressful. Especially when it's not fully your decision. Like losing a job or promotion. They're also a choice point. So if you're facing a tough challenge, consider the following. 1. Take an honest look at yourself. What are your strengths, weaknesses, skills? How did those influence—positively or negatively—the change you are facing? 2. Step up your self-care. Major changes are physically and emotionally taxing. You need self-care now more than ever. 3. Engage your curiosity. What went wrong, or right? What could you have done better? What worked really well? What can you let go of. 4. Focus on what you want, and less on what you don’t want. Keep your eye on the prize. What do you want to take with you into your future? 5. Find support. Since your transition may affect your family as well, it may be wise to seek the outside support of friends or professionals. 6. Work on your thoughts. Mindfulness is key. Calm your fears and reinforce your sense of hope and happiness. 7. Reassure (or avoid for a time) those who are threatened by, or jealous of, the changes to come. 8. Create your own rite of passage. Ceremony and ritual help with all transitions. 9. Let go of how things were “supposed to be” and accept “how things are.” Find appreciation for what is. 10. Keep things in perspective. Or try on a new perspective. So you don’t get stuck.   Remember, the only constant is change.   [...]

Business Owner Self-Care Leads to More Thriving Business

       When talking about leaders, we often focus our discussions around the needs of employees. Not too far behind that, you’ll hear a lot of talk about the needs of customers. But another facet in the ability to lead rarely makes its way into our public conversations, and that’s your needs. This lack may be detrimental to business, the economy and so much more.        Whether a CEO, entrepreneur, or business owner, you’ve got needs. If those needs aren't being met, it’ll directly impact not just your personal life but your business as well.        Here’s the thing, fulfillment directly correlates with engagement, and engaged employees are 50 percent more productive and 33 percent more profitable. That includes you. You’re also more likely to remain at your job and generate higher customer loyalty — not a bad way to lead, if you ask me. So, what’s getting in the way? Obstacles to Satisfaction        In my coaching experience, there are some tendencies that stand out. The very positive sense of responsibility, seemingly hardwired for men, has a definite downside when misused. They more often sacrifice their personal and family life for their business.  They may mistakenly replace love, presence and attention with providing financially. This choice results in long hours and inattention on the homefront. In addition, they take responsibility for everyone around them at both work and home, typically at the expense of themselves, their physical health, and their mental well-being — not to mention their relationships with those [...]

Is Your Company Ready for the 2020 Workforce?

DJHP /Leaders Yes, it's just 2016. But is your company ready and planning for what's rapidly coming? How many of us can honestly say our work is fun? Interesting, sure. Challenging, sometimes. Frustrating? More often than we’d like to admit. But fun, well, that can be a rarity — or it used to be, at least. More and more companies are looking for innovative ways to make “fun” part of the corporate culture, and it has a little something to do with what’s being called the 2020 workforce. By 2020, an estimated 86 million millennialswill be part of the workforce. That’s 40 percent of the total working population. And of this workforce, 88 percent want their employers to provide the means for work-life integration. Not to be confused with work-life balance, of course. With work-life integration, employees blend the personal and professional to succeed in both realms. They check business emails at home while hitting up Instagram or Pinterest at work. It’s almost as if the division between the two worlds no longer exists. To ensure your company attracts (and retains) the best and brightest of the 2020 workforce, I’d recommend making some distinct changes straightaway, including: Lead with your values. Roughly 64 percent of millennials are in the business of good will. Start looking at your corporate values and emphasize community stewardship if you want to attract the attention of young hires. Once your core values are in place, identify initiatives that align with them and develop outreach programs [...]

Should You be Outsourcing Everyday Tasks?

DJHP /Careers Not too long ago, my brother had his first child. We’re close and talk regularly. But since the birth of his child, the conversations have changed a bit, and there’s definitely a trending topic: working while raising a baby. All the things that were so easy before have suddenly become really, really hard. Even finding time to go the grocery store, filling up his car’s gas tank, or grabbing a bite to eat seems like big events. So, me not completely understanding the situation, I asked others for their opinions, and who better to ask than my parents? I talked to my mom about how I couldn’t imagine working and having a child. Finding a balance between my personal and professional life is already difficult. To throw a child in the mix, I’d be lost. Though difficult, she reassured me that it could be done. Naturally, I take the idea one step further. What happens if you’re a single parent? How in the world do you find the time to support a family and do everything you need to do to raise a child? One of my clients is in this exact situation. She’s a Super Woman! But hey, even Super Women need assistance sometimes, right? I’ve been helping her teenage kids get ready for the next steps in their lives. One is a senior in high school and starting the college application process. The other is only a sophomore, so there’s a little time. But we’re teaching [...]

7 Ways to Manage for Innovation in Intergenerational Workplaces

DJHP / Leaders Companies often believe innovation comes from the individual — a notion likely stemming from the startup space. A fledgling company starts disrupting the marketplace, and the big guys on the block look to the founder as the source of the disruption. While the brainchild might be the individual’s, it doesn’t end with him or her. The true source of innovation came from a network of people, all working together toward a common goal. And that’s exactly how you should approach your leadership if you hope to encourage innovation within a team. Here are six ways I’ve found to be successful in encouraging innovation: 1. Trust your team. It’s easy to go in and micromanage a project. You came up with it after all. But this does nothing to encourage innovation. Trust the people you brought together enough to let them take the reigns and run with it. In fact, your trust in them allows the team to trust themselves and trust each other. This can then lead to greater transparency, promoting self-expression among the group and a group think-tank that brings out the best in one another. 2. Build in diversity. Some of the most productive and innovative teams are also the most diverse. Pull together people with different backgrounds and capabilities to create cross-specialty teams. The diversity can encourage out-of-the-box thinking to solve problems in more innovative ways. What’s more, the diverse approaches to business can push forward innovation in a more efficient manner. 3. Flatten [...]

Set Yourself Apart from the Competition. Invest In Company Culture

DJHP /Leaders Culture does more for a company than provide employees a great place to work. It can set you on the track for long-term success. When you actively develop your culture based on a clear set of values, beliefs, principles, and expectations, you’re essentially establishing a personality for your business, and that personality helps to differentiate you in a number of different ways: Supports recruitment efforts. Developing and cultivating a company culture has two main advantages for your recruitment efforts. The first relates to your company. When taking the time to define the unique characteristics of your company, like vision, values, purpose, and guiding principles, it’s much easier to identify the right candidates. You know who fits and who doesn’t. The second advantage is all about the talent. A clearly defined culture can be used as a recruitment tool. It’s a benefit of working for your organization. If part of your culture involves community outreach, which I’d recommend, you’ll attract that young, socially connected, and well-educated talent who want to commit to a bigger cause. With them comes a fresh energy, new ideas, and a desire to innovate. Improves retention rates. Companies with rich organizational cultures are more likely to experience turnover rates of just 13.9 percent, while those with not-so-rich cultures can often expect a turnover of 48.4 percent. Why the huge difference? Culture influences the happiness of your staff. Investing in your culture is like investing in your employees. You’re telling staff exactly what your company stands [...]

How to Retain Employees by Transforming Feedback into Learning

DJHP /Leaders Sociologists and marketers tell us that Millennials are a fun-seeking, forward-thinking, and fearless bunch. They’re willing to tackle any project at any hour of the day if they find it interesting. That’s the vibrant upside. But as with most things, that upside comes with a downside. Generally, younger workers almost always seek constant communication and a fast learning curve. When you’re unable to provide it, they won’t stay engaged, making it difficult to not just grow employees but retain them. Leadership is now facing a challenge: to provide learning opportunities in a continuous, fast-paced and engaging way. The key lies in fully embracing this need for continuous feedback and turning it on its head for everyone in your organization. You do this by creating a company that places a high value on communication, but you do this through the company’s vision and culture — a culture where communication is educational. Here are 6 ways you do it: 1. Start off employees on the right foot. Hiring talent whose values closely align to those of your own is only half the equation. The onboarding process is just as important to their growth — and shouldn’t be confused with training. Onboarding mainly focuses on what the new hire feels, sees, and hears in relation to your organization. Be upfront about the company culture, explaining your expectations and the necessity of adopting the growth mindset. Make sure you, your team, and your company engage with the individual. Follow up with him [...]

Employer Values: How to Make Work Meaningful

DJHP / Leaders Today’s workforce looks a lot different than it did even two years ago. Between 2013 and 2015, the number of Millennials in the workplace surpassed that of both Gen Xers and Boomers. We’re now looking at nearly 54 million Gen Yers employed in the U.S. That’s more than one-in-three workers. With this change comes a shift in priorities. No longer is job security, compensation, or time off the most important reasons to take a job. It’s culture, and for many companies, culture is their greatest challenge. Today's employees want to work for an employer that has a clear vision of its values. They want to know that their work has meaning — and if not the work itself, then that the company is doing something greater to benefit the community at large. In other words, your company culture is more important than it ever was before. To attract, retain, and engage today’s workforce, you need to develop a strong culture. And this often starts by asking yourself, “ What do my employees value in their jobs?” But don’t just look to Millennials. You need to be inclusive with your culture, so take stock in what all those non-Millennials value in their jobs, too. When actively developing your culture, I suggest you consider the following: 1. Seamlessness. Work and life are seamless for the younger generations. Seamlessness often means finding ways to add more flexibility into the work environment. Consider instituting flexible work hours or providing the option [...]

Walking the Line: Feedback Vs. Micromanagement

DJHP / Leaders Millennials grew up with the Internet. They also grew up in a world of texting, tweeting, posting, pinning, liking, and following — all of which provide almost instantaneous feedback. Now that they’ve entered the workplace, their expectations are virtually the same for this environment, which has posed a problem for employers. Is this person just needy? Or, is he asking for feedback in hopes of improving his performance and growing in a career? What’s more, will this continuous feedback lead to the micromanaging of employees? To walk that fine line between feedback and micromanagement, I suggest the following: 1. Practice reflective listening. Reflective listening is all about trying to understand exactly what the person is asking, and then offering that question back before your response. It’s a way of clarifying a question or idea prior to providing your feedback as to not confuse the situation. Once you know what they’re seeking, respond with concretes. 2. Role-model behavior. Employees have always looked to leadership in how to behave in the workplace. Follow up and follow through on objectives and promises. Demonstrate integrity by listening actively and communicating appropriately. Be authentic in your interactions with everyone on your team. By role-modeling behavior, fewer questions remain about what’s appropriate (and not appropriate) in the workplace. 3. Own up to mistakes. This really goes hand-in-hand with role-modeling. When you own up to mistakes yourself, and provide an explanation of intent going forward, you’re not just showing your human side but giving [...]

Impartial Management: Doing Away with Favorites

DJHP / Leaders Nothing is more disheartening for employees than being on a team where its leader just seems to play favorites — unless, of course, you’re one of the chosen few. You get your pick of projects, find yourself constantly tapped for input, and may even enjoy a little preferential treatment when it comes time for promotions. Even then you might not feel you can trust the spotlight, especially if your leader shows any fickleness. But that’s really a story for another day. The thing about favoritism is that it’s become almost an epidemic. Sounds alarmist, I know. But according to a survey by McDonough School of Business at Georgetown University,92 percent of senior business executives have seen some level of favoritism in the workplace. While this number may appear high, it does stand to reason. If you click, you just click, and this can inadvertently lead to favoritism when you’re in an advisory role. Even something as innocent as a standing lunch date can turn into bias toward subordinates. We’re human, after all, and it’s difficult not to let our emotions hold sway over our decisions. To determine whether or not your attitude and actions are led by favoritism, I recommend taking stock of the following: Feedback. Everyone has his or her own managerial style. There’s nothing wrong with that, and this style inevitably affects how you deliver feedback. But this feedback should always be constructive in nature. It should set consistent expectations for every member of your [...]

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