
About Dr. Jan Hoistad

Dr. Jan Hoistad is a coaching partner who helps you clarify your goals, develop your skillset, and harness your strengths so you navigate your career and business growth with confidence. As an executive, career professional or business owner, having a supportive, strategic coach and consultant who empowers you to confidently clarify and achieve your desired outcomes is invaluable. Coaching helps you work more productively and lead more effectively. While Dr. Hoistad cannot promise to remove outside demands, she can help you prioritize, set goals and strategies so you and your team function at peak performance. ♦ Executive Coaching, Leadership Coaching, and Business Consulting. Develop awareness of how your decisions affect other areas, your people and your future goals. Fully aligned, make decisions for best possible outcomes. ♦ Partnership Coaching for business owners, partners, teams, entrepreneurs, dual-career couples and couples in business together. Become fully aligned so you work together better, achieving business objectives. ♦ Career Coaching for individual professionals and dual-career couples. At all stages of development; during times of transition; when considering a relocation; when desiring to integrate personal life goals with your career. With her unique “Big Picture” perspective, Dr. Jan partners with you as you transition through choice points in your career and business life. Her focus is on helping you clarify what you want, identify what’s in the way, and strategize a step-by-step plan so you achieve your goals. Dr. Jan brings her expertise in human development, system dynamics, entrepreneurship, business growth, partnering, communication and creativity to her clients who become catalysts for change in their businesses, careers, and personal lives. She has helped numerous professionals, business owners, and teams achieve ambitious career and business goals, healthy relationships, and a greater quality of work and life. “When an experienced professional incorporates Dr. Jan’s coaching and consulting solutions, you can almost feel their body relax. They become excited again. More hopeful, they remember what they love about their work as, together, we turn burdens into doable strategies that achieve their future goals.” -Dr. Jan Hoistad

Feeling Out of Step in Your Career? Tips for Unconventional Creatives to Get on Track #2/2

This is #2 of 2 articles (along with many others) I've written on the mash-up of feeling behind in life, being creative in ways that are quirky, and struggles with self, career, and sometimes other aspects of life. I’ve worked with lots of uniquely creative individuals who have struggled to create a fulfilling, satisfying career path in which they can grow and personal life which feels enriching. If you missed Part #1 here it is. Falling Behind? Tips For Late Bloomers and Unconventional Creatives You can do this with the right kind of career coaching and guidance. A Necessary Mix. You may not know this yet, but as an Unconventional-Creative, you also have a sensitivity that may sound counter-intuitive. It's a high need - combining traditional life basics such as responsibility, systems, structure, goal setting, and accountability, follow-through that is not stifling but rather supports your desires. At the same time, you need enough of the spicy, wacky, spontaneous, off-the-wall, or unusual life elements and people that keep you from drifting. If you don’t know you need both responsibility and some pizzazz, but in a nice mix, you may choose relationships that derail or bore you. You may choose work or outlets that have no focus and drain you. The high-potential, high-achieving, highly motivated you will come across as unfocused, unmanageable. Balancing Inside - Outside. Since unconventional-creatives frequently experience and live in extremes, you may need to exercise greater self-care, attend to your body, learn about those highly introverted [...]

Four Choice Points Affecting Your Business or Career

A choice point is a wake-up call to reimagine your future. Over the course of business, career, and personal life you come to points when you’re dissatisfied, want growth, or desire change. A transition will happen no matter what, but what you choose will have a profound effect on the course of your life. How do you want to respond? Over the course of business, career, and personal life you come to points when you’re dissatisfied, want growth, or desire change. A transition will happen no matter what, but what you choose will have a profound effect on the course of your life. We call these “choice points” because you have a choice in how you respond or capitalize on them. Awareness of how decisions in one area of your life affect all other areas is complex. At a choice point you can move forward fully aligned, with confidence, or you can be reactive and become sidelined, resulting in future consequences you may not want. You can settle for less or you can take control of how you respond to the choice point so you build toward a better outcome. We’ll guide you so you confidently land on the best possible outcome that connects your immediate choices with the whole-life future you envision. With a ChoicePoint partner, you’ll transition with greater confidence and achieve the freedom you’ve earned.   “When an experienced professional adds ChoicePoint solutions, you can almost feel their body relax, they become excited again, more hopeful, they [...]

Owners and Partners: Facing Challenges of Leading Through Business Growth

All businesses and all individuals grow through natural stages of development over the course of a lifetime. Or they stagnate. They cease to grow. Natural growth spurts and transitions occur approximately every 7 –10 years for individuals; every so many millions in profit for business. This article speaks directly to business owners and partners who face the challenges of leading through business growth. Having a smooth functioning culture with happy employees who have support and resources for their personal and professional development starts at the top. For owners and business partners, a long-view toward future transition or sale puts markers for growth into perspective. When business partners are aware of these long-term objectives—and their partnering relationship is solid—communicating through growth stages and transitions, providing access to resources for individual development, and other cultural values naturally goes hand-in-hand with productivity expectations and profit markers.   Each stage of business growth brings many changes. Managing the transition and being prepared for different responses to the change requires leadership clarity, confidence and communication that frames employee response. Focusing on the desired outcome is key. Facing and Managing Challenges of Leading Through Each Stage of Business Growth Transitioning through stages provokes the need for change. Some owners are sensitive to changes on the horizon, anticipate, and plan ahead. Others are heads-down focused on the day-to-day demands. Such owners are often blindsided by unexpected needs. Individuals and relationships are strained. In business, with so much on the line, change requires understanding, negotiation, new [...]

The Mark of a True Business Partnership: Working For Win/Wins

In the beating heart of every entrepreneur, business owner, and business partner, is a desire to move with ease and speed, to be one step ahead of the curve, to have a partner and team working smoothly in the flow, laser-focused on achieving mutual goals and agreed-upon outcomes, driven to succeed. And, while hoping two minds are better than one is an option, we can help you come together in a true business partnership working for win/wins. A business is fertile ground for partnering with one or more people, often with complementary skills, energy and enthusiasm, sometimes investing money, bringing connections or a book of business together. Like many relationships, business partnerships are sometimes humorously referred to as a working marriage. Both are “working relationships.” Humor highlights the complexity such close relationships bring. And like the long-term commitment of a personal relationship, the spirit that brings people together in business also requires interpersonal skill and attention to make the business and the relationship successful over the long haul. Yet while business partners enter into their legal and working relationship with positive expectations, even enthusiasm, statistics show that anywhere between 50% to 70% of business partnerships ultimately fail. How do you inoculate yourself against such a demise? This is the first of many articles that introduce an approach to navigating an important business relationship that should be a great asset to you and your business. It offers insight into the mindset, skills, and tools to work as Big Picture Partners™. This [...]

What to do Instead of Being Impulsive in a Career Slump

Maybe you're feeling your particular company or corporate environment isn’t a life-giving, vibrant or creative match for you?  Or you're at a crossroad and need to design a whole life, not just a work-life. You're career-focused and your work IS your life but right now, but it’s not a reflection of “you.” So you're feeling unchallenged or bored. And it may be that it’s just time and something has to change. You don't want to wake up 3 or 5 or 10 years from now feeling regretful that life has passed you by. All of these are reasons to pay attention and begin to create time, space and action steps to figure out your next life and work iteration. It’s not a great time to be impulsive. If you’re not going to be impulsive, the question becomes: Where Do I Start? Start With A Mindset We know that you want to dive right in and get answers to the ultimate question you are asking—Where am I going to be in 3 months or 6 months or a year from now? What is THE fastest way I can make the changes I desire because I want to be THERE now? You may be tempted to be reactive at such a time. Another way to look at it is that it's a Choice Point, an opportunity to reimagine your future, to consider how decisions in one area of your life affect all other areas. It's complex. So at any given choice point [...]

Falling Behind? Career Tips for Late Bloomers and Unconventional Creatives #1/2

This is #1 of 2 articles (along with many others) I've written on the mash-up of feeling behind in life, being creative in ways that are quirky, and struggles with self, career, and sometimes other aspects of life. I’ve worked with lots of uniquely creative individuals who have struggled to create a fulfilling, satisfying career path in which they can grow and personal life which feels enriching. In this article and others found in the Resources below, you'll find a new understanding and tips on how to proceed so you achieve the results that may feel out of reach. They really are not. It's a matter of investing in the right support and expert coaching to create a life and career path that truly expresses who you are. Does Any of This Sound Like You? You don’t get encouragement or support on the job—and maybe some well-meaning (and some mean) people even try to discourage you. It's led to lots of self-doubts. You have jump-started a number of projects that could draw positive attention or bring value to your department or manager, but nothing has come to fruition. You've been overlooked; your attempts have gone unnoticed or unrewarded. So you don’t trust yourself. You feel like a yo-yo with moments of clarity and enthusiasm followed by huge self-doubts and stagnation that makes going to work just a daily grind. You’re tired of always going through another job transition—you’d really like to transform yourself, what you do, and get on track [...]

5 Ways to Make a Global Career Relocation Successful For You, Your Mate, Your Company

Relocating for company or personal needs is becoming a more frequent choice point in many careers. This is especially true with increasing comfort in working remotely and the growing number of creative ways to meet company needs. Many couples and families are also finding the more flexible work from home option provides better integration of career and personal needs. These concerns have been fully tested during the time of the Coronavirus and social distancing lockdown. The enforced experiment may be changing the work world permanently. During this time, I've been curious about just how many people are currently relocating for their career. During this time, I’ve been curious about just how many people are currently relocating for their career. I’ve been working with coaching clients of all career stages moving—not only across the States—but around the globe. Some are moving to attend graduate school while a mate accepts a new job or works remotely for a company that values them. Some people in advanced careers are finding new career opportunities in cities or countries they’ve always wanted to explore. Some are moving closer to their grown children and grandchildren, some with mates who are retired and supportive of the adventure. This article will take on several subject matters regarding global career relocation: Highlighting the challenges Sharing 5 important tips for success Case study examples Keep reading... Challenges of relocation for work impacts not only your career trajectory, but also company profitability, marriage and family outcomes. An assignment overseas or in [...]

7 Tips When You Resent Being in the Lead with a Colleague, Employee, or Mate

  Ridding yourself of resentment of being in the lead means taking responsibility for your role in the ongoing dynamic,  then taking action to make positive change.  Try these 7 tips and let me know how it goes! Are you in a relationship where you secretly wish or overtly want another person to take the lead sometimes?  Do you find yourself thinking “I always have to…” or “He never does…” or “She never brings up…”? Whether at work or at home, some people have a tendency to let resentment about taking the lead build up.  But it doesn’t have to be that way.  You can take that step to rid yourself of resenting being in the lead by encouraging others to participate and by asking for what you want…..after all, your colleagues, boss, employee, or partner can’t read your mind!  Here are some tips on taking the lead on banishing resentment and sharing the load: Specify What You Want Evaluate where you want the other person to take the lead?  On the job maybe you find yourself heading up every meeting when there are others who share responsibility?  Or perhaps at home you continually wish that your partner would decide where to go on “date night” and not always leave it up to you?  Make your list so you clarify what it is you want.  Be concrete in your request. You are asking for specific behavioral change. Clarify Territory Take a look at your list and make certain that you [...]

When Men Don’t Fully Engage, It Deprives the Women In Your Life of Growth

No matter how successful you are in your leadership, or in your business or career, many men still cringe when it comes to talking to the woman (or women) in their life, about making a change that would please them. Especially if that change would meet their own needs--needs for understanding, support, intimacy, closeness, or just plain picking up a consistent mess. While culture is changing, we can blame this on socialization and a bit of nature. Do any of the following statements resonate with you when it comes to your wife, girlfriend, daughters or your mother – even though you are a grown man?  Or maybe they remind you of your female boss or workmates. You want to please the woman in your life; sometimes you feel like you don’t know how. You sometimes feel like she doesn’t acknowledge what you contribute to your relationship and the family. You want her to be happy; when she’s unhappy it makes you feel helpless or shut down. You wish she’d let you know when she’s unhappy about something else in her life versus when she’s unhappy with you; you wish she’d do more things to make herself happy. You want her to simply tell you what she wants or likes – because you can’t read her mind or when she does tell you what she wants it sounds too vague or global and you’d like more concrete requests. If I were showing these statements to a roomful of men, you’d see [...]

How Business Partners Can Successfully Navigate Growth and Change Together

While some business partners start out as friends, or friendly, it isn’t a requirement to be friends to have a thriving business. In fact some business partners start out as close confidants and then don’t know how to shift when differences come to the surface. Some never establish the mature foundation important in a long-lasting business relationship. Navigating Challenges Together Ingredients of a solid foundation include a steadfast respect for one another as human beings and workmates, impeccable accountability that maintains trust, laser-focus on working the business objectives, and an unwavering perspective that two or more heads are better than one. And acknowledging that challenges arise, a deep commitment to working through them together. Adopting consistent partnering mindset, tools, and skills help you work efficiently and navigate the challenges, saving you time and money. Healthy, mature, successful partnerships establish a solid foundation from the beginning and maintain it throughout. They understand that long-lasting partnerships grow through stages and require consistent commitment to navigate each stage and grow together. Mature partners have a growth mindset, always open to learning—not only staying on top of the latest best business practices, but growing personally and growing in all their relationships. They live their values, and role model them in their business and personal relationships.                                -Dr. Jan Hoistad In many fundamental ways, business partnerships are like marriage partnerships. Those that are long-lasting are well-vetted around compatibility, skill sets, and financials. They are consciously developed with deep discussions around the business, and acknowledge personal [...]

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