This article is Part 2 of two articles to provide practical, down-to-earth suggestions to accelerate you as you explore changes on your work-life path – and two steps to get from here to there.
In Part 1 of this two-part series, Success Tips to Leave a Company + Design a More Purposeful Work Life, we decided it doesn’t matter WHY you want or need to leave your current position or company. It may be simply
- Feeling your particular company or corporate environment isn’t a life-giving, vibrant or creative match for you.
- Needing to design a whole life, not just a work-life; your work is your life but right now it’s not a reflection of “you.”
- Being unchallenged or bored; It’s just time and something has to change.
- Having a great idea that you’d love to devote your time and energy to getting off the ground.
- Wanting to not wake up 3 or 5 or 10 years from now feeling regretful.
All are great reasons to pay attention and begin to create time, space and action steps to figure out your next life and work iteration. It’s not a great time to be impulsive.
If you’re not going to be impulsive, the question becomes: Where Do I Start?
Start with a combo of excitement and exploration.Back this up with practical financial security.Then give yourself some space to think openly as you explore.
2 Steps to Get From HERE to THERE
We know that you want to dive right in and get answers to the ultimate question you are asking—Where am I going to be in 3 months or 6 months or a year from NOW? What is THE fastest way I can make the changes I desire because I want to be THERE now?
Yes: Ask Yourself the big questions and explore for solid answers.
- What do I really want to do at this stage of my life?
- How committed am I to doing the work and getting the best business building advice possible—and following a PLAN?
- What are my supports and best next steps to change my work-life path?
However, for many people the overwhelming desire for a change in their work-life causes them to forget two very important and lovely, grounding steps which are actually “doing something.” Sure, they are not real “sexy” but they are doing something that in a big way sets the stage for the changes you desire. Maybe for the rest of your life.
Step 1: Clear the Clutter. Make Way for New Goals.
The first is clearing any clutter that’s in the way. This can include such things as:
- mental negativity,
- self-doubts,
- emotional fear,
- lack of exercise,
- people who suck your time and energy,
- not making your bed,
- not feeding yourself healthy foods or
- housecleaning, having too much stuff.
Oh, and excuses. I think you get the picture.
Make a list of clutter to clear and tackle one item at a time. As you tackle each item, new ideas will come peripherally.
Then capture the new ideas in a notebook nearby. This is important. Writing things down connects body and mind. It helps bring your new goals into action, making it more and more real.
Step 2. Get Practical Financially
The second step is creating a sense of security that comes from knowing your money. As my colleague, financial expert Mickey Mikeworth says “Money has only one purpose—it buys choice.”
If you are wanting a new work-life grounding yourself, knowing your finances creates security. You will need to feel a little secure while making big changes.
Definition of Security:Freedom from care, anxiety, or doubt; well-founded confidence.Something that secures or makes safe; protection; defense.
Freedom from financial cares or from want.Freedom from danger, risk, etc.; safety.
Yes, some of you are far along the financial awareness path, but many are not.
So these are basics. Get your head out of the sand. Get started. You’ll feel more solid, less anxious, more self-aware, and empowered.
Explore your next work-life adventure with financial awareness.
_____Look at your finances. Create a real budget or get help creating one. If you are going to develop a new venture, career path or business, making and managing money is important. You may have these skills; If not this is a good way to begin developing them.
_____ How much money do you have? How much money do you need? This is a security issue. It’s hard to think creatively if you’re scared, cannot pay the bills, or cannot put food on the table.
_____ Do you have a partner or mate? Then you need some real practical discussions. Can he/she fund the household and for how long? Are they behind you just getting a job or do they want you to figure out what you really want to do? What are the partnering decisions you need to make together and how do your mutual finances fit into your plans?
_____ If you are the primary or sole breadwinner, do you live paycheck to paycheck or do you have savings? How many months could you live on these savings while exploring what you really want to do?
_____ Talk to your accountant or investment person to get advice and see where you stand.
_____ If you really want to build your own small business, you may need to talk to your investment banker.
_____ Check out your vacation time, benefits, etc. so you know what you are taking with you.
_____ Look at your employment contract for ins and outs of non-compete clauses.
_____ Hire an employment attorney for advice on exactly how to proceed. They can tell you what to say and what to do as you exit; as well as what you can and cannot do and for how long—especially if you want to open your own business in the same field.
_____ As your finances and timetable get clear, imagine what you will do for financial back-up plans A and B.
_____ Set a number of months or years you will invest in starting your new business before taking a “job.”
_____ Some of you will start to go online and google search job postings, apply and get an offer. If you’re not sure it’s what you want for the long haul, make a commitment to yourself to only stay for 1 year while you get some guidance to figure out what you really want to do next.
_____ Some of you will enlist the advice of one or more recruiters to know if and where you could land a job quickly if you needed to.
_____ You might interview at a temporary agency to take on short-term or even part-time work while you figure out what you really want to do during this next phase.
_____ As a last resort, list your outside resources such as family and friends who might help with jobs, resources, or loans if needed.
Again, these are basic but necessary steps to create the change you desire. Please share what’s worked for you and reach out for further assistance.
Be sure to check out our other articles:
Success Tips to Leave a Company + Design a More Purposeful Work-Life
Successful Business or Career Transition Planning Should Always Include Your Mate
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